दूरसंचार विभाग
National Institute of Communication Finance

भारत सरकार

राष्ट्रीय संचार अकादमी- वित
National Communication Academy – Finance

The Centre for Policy Studies & Research (CPSR)  works towards sharpening the acumen of government servants as well as private sector, help raise competencies and facilitate collaborative education in the communications policy domain through joint research and regular training programs. CPSR envisages to establish itself as a think-tank of pre-eminence in the domain of communications, including both telecommunications & postal domain, which, inter-alia, includes communications finance, spectrum economics & finance, telecom licensing and regulations, financial management, digital & financial inclusion, licensing/ regulatory aspects of emerging technologies such as Satellite broadband, Cloud computing, AI/ML, Big Data, including cross cultural, cross spatial and cross temporal studies in the domain to put the research work and policy prescriptions in context. The aim is to produce high quality research papers and journals, based on quantitative research and evidence-based policy studies, within a values-based framework, which can act as actionable policy inputs for both the government and private sector. This centre also looks for collaborative research initiatives with government servants, other institutes/ academies including CTIs/ATIs, think-tanks as well as Institutes of Excellence for gaining a multi-faceted perspective on policy studies.

            Objectives of CPSR are-


  • To produce quality research papers in the relevant policy questions of the day
  • To produce actionable policy inputs, guided by values of non-discrimination, equity, efficiency, inclusion and justice, and assist the government in design and implementation of policy
  • To assist the line ministries in studying the impact of policy programs and activities and serve as a quantifiable feedback mechanism for the same.
  • To provide relevant inputs in the capacity building initiatives of government and private players in the communications domain.
  • To undertake specific short-term capacity building interventions to shore up the skill set of middle and senior-level officers from Communications domain in line with in demand domain & functional competencies of the day.
  • To collaborate with wide variety of institutions ranging from private sector players and industry associations to national and international think tanks and academic institutes of excellence in producing  quality evidence-based policy prescriptions and achieving above mentioned objectives.
            Collaborations for knowledge & resource sharing:
  • In order to draw upon multidisciplinary perspective, CPSR also aims to partner with premier educational and research institutions like IITs, ISB, IIM, IISc, IISER to enrich CPSR’s research endeavours, policy analysis initiatives and training programs.
  • Another vision that CPSR harbors is maintaining a synergy with various industry players, other government departments, public policy research institutes, industry associations groups etc. in order to obtain cutting edge perspectives, stakeholder insights and feedback regarding efficacy of policy and regulatory initiatives in the telecom sector. Industry partners can also provide valuable insights enriching the research and policy outcome of CPSR.
  • Embarking upon the aforementioned collaborations, CPSR can therefore look forward to fraternizing with international think tanks, educational and research institutes, and regulatory bodies for a global perspective of the telecom sector.


राष्ट्रीय संचार वित्त संस्थान National Institute of Communication Finance

Contact info
National Institute of Communication Finance
Near Metro Pillar No. 152, Opp SSB
Mehrauli Gurugram Road, Ghitorni
 New Delhi – 110047



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